Integrative Acupuncture in Montpelier and Williston, VT is central Vermonter’s choice for end of pregnancy treatment. We are experienced and knowledgeable in our care for pregnant women, having completed extensive post graduate courses and treated many patients in our decades of practice. We provide a comfortable environment and painless treatment for women to completely relax during end of pregnancy acupuncture care.
How Does Western Medicine Induce Labor?
Western medical providers may determine it necessary for a labor to begin prior to contractions naturally start. In 2006, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1 in 5 births in the United States was induced. This rate more than doubled from 1990. Some methods used to ripen a cervix and begin labor include using prostaglandins, using a Foley catheter, sweeping or rupturing membranes. Providers may also recommend the use of pitocin through an IV to start contractions.
Sometimes western medicine modalities for inducing labor are not able to be used. For example, some providers feel a woman who has birthed previously via cesarean section is not recommended to use pitocin. We receive frequent referrals from providers who would like their patients to try acupuncture before trying any of the above methods.
How Does Acupuncture Help?
With your provider’s consent, we will employ acupuncture techniques to deeply relax a full term pregnant woman. While we do not “induce” labor like pitocin may, we open the gates of Qi and create a movement of Qi and blood that frequently allows women to begin labor naturally. This treatment is gentle and relaxing, but contractions may begin soon after.
Acupressure Home Care
The providers at IAOM are happy to educate our patients and their labor partners in proven acupressure points for minimizing pain during labor and encouraging labor to begin at home. We will take the time to teach you and provide handouts for you to use during labor.