In The News

We love seeing acupuncture in the news about new research, studies and so much more. From time to time our team is featured in the news or publishes articles about acupuncture and the acupuncture community.

Acupuncture Today Logo AcuTake Logo Burlington Moms Blog Real Simple Logo The World LogoTry Acupuncture Tata Harper Logo Williston Observer Logo WCAXThe Dr. Nandi Show               NCCAOM NCBTMB Choose Board Certified NCBTMB Choose Board Certified Burlington free press mbg logo

From Sailing Forward to Providing Jobs and Healing in Vermont

Vermont Biz | July 2024

Kerry Boyle Named Small Business Person of the Year

Montpelier Bridge | June 2024

Local acupuncturist wins Small Business Person of the Year | Business

Williston Observer  | June 2024

Waterbury alternative medicine practitioner is Vermont’s Small Business Person of the Year

Waterbury Roundabout  | June 2024
JAIM Cover

Acupuncture and Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Delivery: Preparing for VBAC and Recovery Post VBAC

The Journal of Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine | Vol 30 | September 2022

Acupuncture and Lifestyle Modification for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome: A Case Report

Journal of Chinese Medicine | Issue 127 | October 2021

Dr. Kerry Boyle’s case study demonstrates the use of acupuncture and lifestyle changes to successfully manage POTS, including dietary changes based on Chinese medicine principles, and supplementation with vitamins.

Needling with guide tube

Recommending Acupuncture in Midwifery Care

The thousands-of-years-old practice of acupuncture is a perfect integrative complement to midwifery care. The practice involves the insertion of fine, stainless steel, filiform needles at acupuncture points along the body.

Feather and Heart shaped coral

The 5 Elements Of Chinese Medicine: Which Type Are You?

Fire. Earth. Metal. Water. Wood.

The Five Elements of Chinese Medicine is a theory for how the world around us behaves and how our bodies interact with nature. Each element is part of a continuous cycle: Fire burns and creates Earth. Earth is full of rich Metals. With Metal, tools are created and carry Water. Water nourishes the trees and Wood. Wood burns and Fire is ignited, restarting the cycle.


Acupuncture for Chronic Pain in the Vermont Medicaid Population: A Prospective, Pragmatic Intervention Trial

Our providers, Jennifer Etheridge and Kerry Boyle, participated in this ground breaking research for Vermont Medicaid patients in pain, reducing use of opioids by 32%.

Cesarean Delivery & Acupuncture

Part 2 to the Acupuncture Today article Cesarean Delivery and Acupuncture

Cesarean Delivery & Acupuncture

Published Article in Acupuncture Today: Cesarean Delivery & Acupuncture

Kerry Boyle reviews evidenced based research on the use of acupuncture to improve success rates of vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC). The two part article covers birth trauma from cesarean delivery and how to advocate for a gentle cesarean birth.

Vermont Acupuncture News

Acupuncture Today Interviews Kerry Boyle About Practice Success

Kerry was interviewed by Bredna Duran, of Acupuncture Today, in June 2014. Below is an excerpt of her interview.

“When licensed acupuncturist Kerry Boyle Jenni was working aboard 30 cruise ships, she learned to navigate the world of patient care and was inspired to build a practice that would thrive on land.

The lessons overseas as a sales and revenue manager of acupuncture, managing all services and sales of acupuncture and herbs on board proved to be pivotal to her overall success in the years that followed when she began to build her practice from scratch. Today, Jenni owns and operates a private practice, an acupuncture clinic with three acupuncturists and two support staff in Vermont.”

See The Rest of The Interview

Cups on back

Cupping- What Is It? Recent TV Interviews

Cupping has been all over the news since Michael Phelps displayed prominent cupping marks during the 2016 summer Olympics.  Acupuncturist Kerry Boyle was interviewed by Vermont news stations, WCAX and WPTZ to demonstrate cupping.

See Cupping Videos

Vermont Acupuncture News

Acupuncture – Gaining Recognition and Appreciation

Tom Herzing wrote an article on Integrative Acupuncture, and how it’s gaining recognition and appreciation. You can read a preview of his opening remarks below.

“When Integrative Acupuncture practitioners Kerry Jenni Boyle and Josh Singer held an open house at the Montpelier Integrative Family Health facility at 156 Main Street last month, more than 60 visitors interested in learning more about alternative healing methods attended.”

Read the Full Article

World Newspaper

Acupuncture: a New Approach to Combating Vermont’s Opioid Epidemic

Katie Moritz of The World wrote an article on Kerry Boyle’s involvement in the political action of the Vermont Acupuncture Association to try to increase access to acupuncture for all Vermonters for pain management.  In an effort to reduce dependency on opiates, Kerry argues, acupuncture should be a mandated covered treatment option by insurance companies.

See The Rest of The Interview

Tata Harper interview

Tata Harper

Jen Etheridge is interviewed and recorded providing an acupuncture facial treatment to skin care experts at Tata Harper.

Read the Full Article
Real Simple

Real Simple

Kerry is quoted by Real Simple magazine about work-life balance and tips for office wellness.

When you spend most of your day at work, you want to be as happy and focused as possible—which can be seriously difficult in a loud bullpen, distracting open-concept plan, stuffy cubicle, or ice-cold office. Couple less-than-ideal office environs with personal discomfort from, say, back pain, fatigue, or severe stress, and you’re sure to see dips in mood and productivity at work.

A recent workplace wellness study by Future Workplace and View found that working professionals value fancy perks like foosball tables and trendy snacks, far less than they value naturally bright, clean, and well-ventilated workspaces. Unfortunately not every office environment boasts great air and water quality, good lighting, plenty of windows, and comfortable temps for all.

But whatever the pitfalls of your particular office setup, take matters into your own hands to make your work space work for you. Here’s how to create a desk area that’s homey and healthy, so you can be your best self on the job.

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Michael Phelps


Our local CBS affiliate TV news station, interviews Kerry Boyle for a live demonstration of cupping after Michael Phelps debuted cupping marks in the Olympics

Read the Full Interview


Our local NBC affiliate TV news station interviewed Kerry and watched a demonstration of cupping.

Read the Full Interview
In The News

Dr. Nandi Show

Kerry joined national TV show host, Dr. Nandi, and other healthcare experts to discuss the use of acupuncture for low back pain.

Read the Full InterviewWatch Video
Burlington Moms Blog

Vermont Mom’s Blog  

Kerry is a regular contributor to this popular local blog, highlighting health and wellness topics for mom’s and kids. She has authored blogs on such topics as Immunity, Menopause, Fertility, Five Elements, Feng Shui, Lactation, and Cupping. 

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Yin & Yang

Try Acupuncture

A magazine dedicated to educating the public about acupuncture, KerryBoyle and Jen Etheridege have been a regular contributors to such articles as Yoga and Acupuncture, Using Acupuncture To Heal From A Cesarean Birth, and  Postpartum Yin and Yang: A Chinese Medicine Approach To Wellness After Birth.

Article #1Article #2Article #3

AcuTake Health

An online resource for health concerns addressed with acupressure, Kerry Boyle has contributed for at home recommendations

Learn MoreMore Articles by Kerry Boyle
The World

The World, Central Vermont Newspaper

Kerry Boyle and Jen Etheridge have each been featured in articles in The World, Jen for her experience in treating oncology patients and Kerry about her political work to achieve more access to acupuncture care through health insurance plans.

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Healing. Cooperation. Wellness.