What is Floatation Therapy?

Person floating in a float tank. Dark room with minimal purple light


Floatation Therapy or Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (R.E.S.T.) has been around since the 1950’s. It was developed by Dr. John C Lilly, a physician and neuroscientist.

Floatation or R.E.S.T. is a treatment for deep relaxation, where a person is contained in a stimuli-restricted environment and floats in water with high salt content.

Enjoy a relaxing experience in our Open Float Tank in Montpelier, VT

Floatation therapy, also known as sensory deprivation or isolation tank therapy, offers a unique and immersive experience designed to promote profound relaxation and mental rejuvenation. In a floatation tank filled with warm, buoyant saltwater, participants effortlessly float, free from external stimuli such as light and sound.

This therapeutic practice aims to create a weightless, meditative environment that fosters sensory reduction, encouraging deep introspection and stress relief. Proponents of floatation therapy highlight its potential benefits for physical recovery, stress management, and enhanced mental clarity, making it an intriguing option for those seeking a tranquil escape from the demands of daily life.

The benefits are numerous and researched:

✔ Lowers cortisol levels
✔ Improves sleep
✔ Reduces pain
✔ Reduces stress and anxiety
✔ Improves concentration and focus
✔ Boost creativity
✔ Benefits meditation
✔ Preventative medicine

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There is nothing that we take more seriously than the cleanliness of our water. Our water is kept sanitary by a number of natural systems as well as sanitizing and filtering. Due to the high concentration of epsom salts, over 1200 pounds in 10-11 inches of water, the salt is naturally effective at limiting pathogens.

We also have a rigorous sanitation and filtration regimen:

  • In between each float session we clean the touchable surfaces with a FDA registered cleaner and the entire content of the float pool passes through a one micron-sized filter 3 times in just 15 minutes.
  • In addition, we have added UV and ozone cleaning. This is next level sanitizing and will destroy bacteria and viruses but also break down body oils as well.
  • Lastly we use food grade hydrogen peroxide to round out our cleaning regimen.
  • Ph is maintained on a daily basis.
  • We also send out samples 1x/month to a 3rd party testing facility to assure our water is clean and healthy for your float.
Float tank with purple lighting


An open concept float tank looks like a large rectangular tub in the middle of a private room. We like to float in this type of space because it allows for clients to be in full control. You can control the amount of light, if any, that you would like. There are speakers in the tub for your audio needs. Also in the room is a shower, shelves for your things and the infrared sauna is on your right hand side when you enter.


What are the rates for floating? All Floats are scheduled to include an additional 10 minutes of time to shower before and after your 60 minute Float. Plan to spend about 80 minutes total at our facility.

Individual Floats
60 minute Float $69

THREE  60 minute Floats $185 (10% discount)
FIVE  60 minute Floats $290 (15% discount)
TEN  60 minute Floats $550 (20% discount)
Packages can be shared by up to 3 people

Do I need to bring anything? Everything that you will need for the float will be provided- ear plugs, towels, vaseline for small cuts, shampoo and body wash. No need for a bathing suit, as floaters use their “birthday suits” or are naked to float. Some clients chose to bring a hairdryer or other personal grooming preferences for after their float.

 What should I do to prepare to float? Make sure to watch our Pre-Float Intro Video. Most people benefit from having some food in the stomach and to limit caffeine intake before your float. Try to avoid shaving on the day of a float. Small nicks in the skin can sting from the salt and distract you from the float. We also ask that anyone that has recently colored their hair or used spray tan to wait at least two weeks before floating.

What happens if I fall asleep? Most people do not fall asleep but you are buoyant and floating in about 12 inches of water. Most people will wake up when the salt water touches their face/eyes.

How is the water kept clean? There is nothing that we take more seriously than the cleanliness of our water. Our water is kept sanitary by a number of natural systems as well as sanitizing and filtering. Due to the high concentration of epsom salts, over 1200 pounds in 10-11 inches of water, the salt is naturally effective at limiting pathogens. Please watch sanitation video above for more information.

We also have a rigorous sanitation and filtration regimen:

In between each float session we clean the touchable surfaces with a FDA registered cleaner and the entire content of the float pool passes through a one micron-sized filter 3 times in just 15 minutes. In addition, we have added UV and ozone cleaning. This is next level sanitizing and will destroy bacteria and viruses but also break down body oils as well. Lastly we use food grade hydrogen peroxide to round out our cleaning regimen.

We of course balance Ph and send out samples 1x/month to a 3rd party testing facility to assure our water is clean and healthy for your float.

Can I float if I am pregnant? Yes, many pregnant people find floating amazing. We ask that all pregnant clients consult their obstetrician or midwife to find out if it’s right for you.

Can I float if I’m menstruating? Yes, if you would be comfortable in a public pool during your menses then you can float during your menstrual cycle. If there is a chance a menstrual blood may enter the tank, we ask you to please wait to float.

What if I’m claustrophobic? Our open room concept floating tank greatly limits or eliminates feeling claustrophobic. Clients always have full control of having lights and/or music for their float which also decreases feelings of claustrophobia. During your float you will have a call button, if you feel uncomfortable at any time, alert our staff and we’ll help you.


Pregnant woman floating in tank filled with dense salt water used in meditation, therapy, and alternative medicine.
Person with eyes closed floating in sensory deprivation tank
Kjellgren, A., & Westman, J. (2014). Beneficial effects of treatment with sensory isolation in flotation-tank as a preventive health-care intervention – a randomized controlled pilot trial. BMC complementary and alternative medicine14, 417. https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6882-14-417