In Vermont, acupuncturists who practice Chinese herbal medicine are required to pass vigorous national board examinations and be certified with the state, in addition to their acupuncture license. Our providers at Integrative Acupuncture are all licensed and certified by Vermont to provide both acupuncture and herbal medicine.
Chinese Herbal History
Herbal medicine has been used in China for thousands of years. Chinese were the first culture to write down their medical knowledge and we benefit from that now, using herbal formulations that have been time tested for thousands of years. Herbal medicine is in general an unregulated system of medicine in most parts of the country.
Our Integrative Acupuncture Herbal Blends
We believe in sourcing the best quality herbs for our patients. When USDA certified organic Chinese herbs became available in the US, we were amongst one of the first clinics to carry them. We have worked tirelessly to create effective herbal formulas using certified organic herbs to provide our own line of Integrative Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine herbs.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese Herbs have been used in China for thousands of years. Herbal medicine is in general an unregulated system of medicine in most parts of the country. In Vermont, acupuncturists who practice Chinese herbal medicine are required to pass vigorous national board examinations and be certified with the state, in addition to their acupuncture license. Our providers at Integrative Acupuncture are all licensed and certified by Vermont to provide both acupuncture and herbal medicine.