Asthma can be treated and managed naturally.  Considering using acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal remedies along with these at home natural tips:

Acupressure Points

Rubbing acupuncture points with your finger for 30 – 60 seconds can stimulate and promote the circulation of Qi within your own body, restoring health and well-being.

Lung 7 (LU 7): Roughly 2 inches above the base of the thumb. Functions: Used to treat several disorders of the upper body, including headaches, asthma, neck sti ness, cough and sore throat.

Lung 5 (LU 5): On the thumb side, at the elbow crease, just o the biceps brachii tendon. Functions: Useful for hot skin conditions, upper body edema, local point for tendonitis, relaxes the sinews and frees water passages.

Lung 1 (LU 1): On the chest, below the collar bone, approximately 6 inches from the center of the chest. Functions: Disperses heat from the chest, regulates Lung Qi, helps with coughs, wheezing and asthma.

Lung 9 (LU 9): On the wrist crease, just below your thumb. Functions: Used for coughs with or without phlegm, tightness of chest, shortness of breath, asthma, digestive problems and wrist pain. Also used to strengthen the Lungs and the immune system.

Conception Vessel 17 (CV 17): On the breastbone, in the center of the chest between the nipples. Functions: Used for chest/throat issues, di culty swallowing and chronic Lung issues.

Conception Vessel 12 (CV 12): On the center line of the body, halfway between the navel and the place where the ribs come together. Functions: Regulates the Stomach Qi and toni es Spleen de ciency. A ects the face, throat, chest, lungs and digestive systems.

Stomach 36 (ST 36): On the outside of the leg, approximately one hand width below the kneecap, just o the bone. Functions: Harmonizes the intestines and clears food stagnation, regulates Qi and Blood, eliminates Dampness, transforms Phlegm, enhances immune function, breaks up blood stagnation in the chest.


Meridian Exercise for Asthma

  1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Place your hands behind your back, hook your thumbs together and spread your ngers apart.
  3. As you exhale, bend forward from your hips. Keep your knees slightly bent. Let your head hang
    down, raise your hands up over your back
    and keep your elbows straight.
  4. When you have come to a comfortable forward bend, take a deep inhalation. Relax into the pose and gradually sink deeper with each exhalation. (see image to the right)
  5. Exhale and gently push your arms up, and away from your body, toward your front. Spread and stretch your ngers toward the sky.
  6. Hold this position for a few breaths.
  7. Gradually return to a standing position.

Helpful Aromatherapy for Asthma

Chamomile – Helps to prevent the release of histamine and reduces bronchial spasms.
Frankincense – Supports lung health, encourages deep breathing.

Rose – Supports lung health, encourages deep breathing and reduces bronchial spasms.

Marjoram – Supports lung health, encourages deep breathing and reduces bronchial spasms.

Lavender – Reduces bronchial spasms. Use a lavender steam during an acute attack. Steam helps to open airways and lavender helps to relax spasms and calm the mind to reduce panic. You can also put oils in bath.

Geranium – Reduces bronchial spasms.

aromatherapyRecipe for Asthma Relief Between Attacks

Asthma Health Support Rub

• 30 drops lavender oil
• 20 drops geranium oil
• 10 drops rose oil
• 10 drops marjoram oil
• 3 drops peppermint or ginger oil • 2 ounces vegetable oil

Combine essential oils and vegetable oil in a small glass jar. Rub on your chest throughout the day and night as needed, especially before bedtime. Come into our office, Integrative Acupuncture, in downtown Montpelier and Williston to pick up the oils you need to help naturally manage asthma.