Does Insurance Cover Massage in Vermont?

After experiencing some of the wonderful benefits of massage, many people wonder if insurance will cover the cost of future treatments. It is clear that massage has a part to play in the treatment plan for many common ailments like low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, migraines etc. What is not clear is whether insurance will support that treatment plan.  In Vermont, massage therapist are not licensed providers, it is not offered by the Vermont Office of Professional Regulations at this time.  This is unusual as according to Associated Bodyworkers and Massage Professionals  45  states do require massage therapists to receive a license to practice.  This impacts if insurance covers massage in Vermont because therapists can not bill direct to insurance companies without a health care provider license. Some massage therapists may work in an office with other licensed providers and are able to bill insurance through another providers license (if allowable by insurance company). In general, most workers compensation and auto claims will have insurance cover massage.

How to figure out if Insurance Will Cover Your Massage

One of the best ways to determine insurance coverage for massage is to call the number on the back of your insurance card and ask a representative to clarify your plan. If this is difficult for you, check with the massage provider as many will assist you with this.  When calling an insurance company all ask for a reference number for your call, just in case you receive contradictory information from another agent (it’s known to happen).  If working with worker’s compensation or with an auto claim, be sure to have your provider representative’s name and phone number along with your claim number.  Some claims may require a physician’s recommendation for massage, so speak up to you care providers that massage is helpful for you and you would like to try it for your condition.

How Do I File with the Insurance Company?

Again, many massage providers that accept insurance will be happy to help you accomplish this.  My practice at Integrative Acupuncture in Montpelier and Williston, Vermont can handle all insurance billing for you. Sometimes a provider will give you a bill, or “superbill” as it is referred to, for you to submit yourself to insurance.  Although this can be time consuming, usually patients receive payments from insurers quicker when billing themselves then if a provider bills for you and once you get used to it, it can be painless and quick.

What if my insurance Doesn’t Cover Massage but I have a Health Flex Spending Account?

Many people have access to a health flex spending account. Pretax dollars are put into this account and are earmarked for health related costs. Often it is permissible to use these funds for massage when no insurance covers massage. Check with your agent to verify.

No Insurance or Flex Spending?

Many people feel that massage is a very cost effective way to support their health. When you compare the benefits of a massage to those of a chiropractor or doctor’s visit etc, it becomes something that you budget for just like other ways you support your health. In addition, some wellness providers offer a very reduced fee group setting for acupuncture and chair massage, like my practice does every Thursday. This can be an additional way of supporting your health in a cost effective manner.