Have you been recommended to try acupuncture? With more than 10 million acupuncture treatments administered annually in the United States alone, people are ready to try acupuncture. They are finding it works and telling their friends and family. Here are the top 4 reasons to give it a try.

1. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Inflammatory diseases cause many people stress and discomfort in their daily lives. Most people turn to pharmaceuticals; a lot of people however don’t think about natural medicines. Research has shown acupuncture to be an effective way of treating inflammatory diseases such as asthma, rhinitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Acupuncture helps to control neuropeptides (chemical signals in the brain). They regulate the process of pro and anti-inflammatory reactions in the body. 

2. Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A study comparing the effects of acupuncture on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) against the effects of steroids found that both had significant beneficial results. The acupuncture group reported less nighttime awakening than the steroid group. The first group reported a significant decrease in distal motor latency (the time between nerve stimulation and reaction). The study concluded that acupuncture was just as effective as prescribed steroid use. In addition, in some ways acupuncture had less negative effects and side effects.  CTS can be an uncomfortable and crippling issue for people working on the computer, musicians, and other people who use their hands in work.


3. Treat Neck Pain and Injuries

Recent studies have shown that Acupuncture to the neck can help restore proper spinal curvature after injuries. Not only does it help recovery from injuries to the spine but has proven to be very helpful against degenerative spinal disc disorders. One study specifically found that acupuncture significantly helps with curative effects related to Cervical Spondylosis. Cervical Spondylosis is a condition attributed to the excess wearing down of cartilage and bones in the neck and can be a leading cause of Chronic Neck pain.


4. Lower Your Blood Pressure

Heart health in America today is a big issue. Millions of people find themselves taking pills every day to regulate their blood pressure. Blood pressure to the heart is one of the most important cardiovascular functions. When it’s not watched can lead to serious health risks. Conventional medication has proven ineffective for some people.  Researchers are looking for new ways to treat the growing problem of high blood pressure. Recent studies have revealed that it has significant statistical data proving it to be effective in reducing blood pressure. In this study acupuncture helped reduce ischemia.  Ischemia is the lack of oxygen to the heart which occurs when blood vessels are blocked.

Ready to Try Acupuncture? Find a nationally board certified acupuncturist on our nationally directory.