It was during my second float that I discovered something much more powerful than myself, and it was much closer than I ever realized. A dimension I never knew existed. One I didn’t know I would come to visit frequently for the rest of my life.

My first float

My first float was an experience that I’m sure others have had, but rarely talk about. To be honest, after this experience, I wasn’t sure if I would ever float again. I felt like I had been in the float tank for a lifetime when in reality it was just 30 minutes. I can’t do this, I told myself. I began having a full-blown anxiety attack right there in the room. I showered, got dressed, and literally ran out the front door, passing an innocent bystander that was probably questioning why he was there after seeing me so distraught. I didn’t understand at the time why this had been my experience. This was supposed to be incredibly relaxing, right? I was beyond disappointed. I sat alone, and contemplated the day leading up to my float. I asked myself what could have caused this.

To calm my nervous system

Finally, a simple answer appeared in my mind: I was overstimulated… A crazy day at work led to me running late to my appointment and driving at what felt like Mach 5 down the road, all with a large coffee in hand. Not exactly priming myself to calm my nervous system… It took me weeks to muster up the courage to try floating again. I knew there was more to what the float experience could be and this time I set myself up to have plenty of time to get there, made sure I had a mellow day, and of course, didn’t chug a coffee right beforehand! I will never forget my exact words when the lights came on after my second float. “No…it can’t be over. That was absolute magic”. I took in that sensation for an additional five minutes coming back to earth. I slowly felt myself leave the dimension that led me to so much strength and willpower to aid me in one of the most beautiful recovery processes I’ve ever felt. This place was easily accessible and I was instantly hooked.

I continued my journey of floating regularly

As I continued my journey of floating regularly, I found peace with the traumas that I had been carrying around since I was young. I found a sense of freedom from unhealthy eating habits (including lack of eating) that were consuming me and nearly killing me from the inside out. I found answers, but I also found moments of grief. This was a good thing. No two floats have ever been the same. Sometimes I find myself reflecting on my relationships and exploring bonds I have or had with others.

Cheers to a continual practice of floating, improving ourselves, and taking a moment away from all stimuli to come back to the center. Just be sure to skip the coffee.