Can Acupuncture Help During Pregnancy?

Yes! Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are very helpful during all stages of pregnancy. Below is a short list of the top reasons women seek acupuncture during pregnancy.

Top 10 Reasons to try Acupuncture during pregnancy:

  • Insomnia
  • Morning Sickness
  • Constipation
  • Acid reflux
  • Back Pain and Sciatica
  • Groin Pain
  • Swollen Feet
  • Leg Cramps
  • Headaches
  • Common Cold

Can Acupuncture Help During Pregnancy?

Yes! Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are very helpful during all stages of pregnancy. Below is a short list of the top reasons women seek acupuncture during pregnancy.

Top 10 Reasons to try Acupuncture during pregnancy:

  • Insomnia
  • Morning Sickness
  • Constipation
  • Acid reflux
  • Back Pain and Sciatica
  • Groin Pain
  • Swollen Feet
  • Leg Cramps
  • Headaches
  • Common Cold

Breech Positioned Baby:  weeks 34-39

We use moxibustion to help turn breech-positioned babies, it has been proven successful in over 80% of cases treated prior to week 38.

Breech Positioned Baby:  weeks 34-39

We use moxibustion to help turn breech-positioned babies, it has been proven successful in over 80% of cases treated prior to week 38.

Pre Labor: weeks 35-40

Prep for labor with acupuncture- bring your birth partner with you for a pre labor appointment and we’ll teach the both of you acupressure points for pain reduction during labor and points to help the labor progress.

Labor Prep: At recommendation of OB/GYN or Midwife

Acupuncture helps to relax the body and mind to get labor started, we work to “open the four gates” and allow the labor to begin if the baby is ready and stress and fear is holding things up.


For a planned cesarean section an acupuncture visit is appropriate.  We will relax the mind and send you into the surgery with acupressure points taped to your ear for decreased pain and stress reduction.

Post-Vaginal Birth

We help with recovery from the birth and pregnancy by nurturing the loss qi and blood, mama’s strength is vital to the whole family in the postpartum period.

Post-Cesarean Birth

Acupuncture is helpful to speed recovery of the uterus and reduce numbness and pain and to work through an emotional birth journey.  Also think of acupuncture if preparing for a VBAC prior to conception.

Milk Production

Acupuncture is helpful to increase lactation by moving the Qi and blood. Tight muscles in the neck and back can also reduce milk production, with acupuncture, cupping and gua sha we can move the blood and increase lactation.

Treatment for Baby

acupuncture for childrenWe use craniosacral therapy, acupuncture, and herbal medicine to help babies with difficult births including successful treatment of colic and neck pain, torticollis.

To find a qualified and nationally board-certified acupuncturist check out our national directory or schedule online for an appointment at our Integrative Acupuncture offices in Montpelier and Williston, Vermont.