7 Ways to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution

This time of year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months. What are you thankful for? What are you proud of? As per New Year’s tradition, this is also a great time to think about your goals for 2023. Making goals that you’ll stick with can be difficult! Keeping motivation throughout the rest of the year is also often a challenge. But with a little discipline, hard work, and practice you can meet your goals for the new year. Apply these tips to your new year’s resolutions and start off the new year on the right foot.

New Year's Resolutions

1. Make sure your goals are realistic

Even though it may be tempting to create an overly ambitious goal, don’t set one up that seems impossible. The more realistic they are, the more attainable they will be. Eliminate the potential stress of not completing these aspirations by working on something actually achievable.

2. Set small monthly goals that get bigger over time

Work up to your resolution. For instance, if you set an overall goal of meditating for thirty minutes daily, you can slowly build up to that final amount of time. For the first month try meditating for just 5 or 10 minutes daily. If you’re able to do that consistently, you’ll get a boost of confidence to encourage longer sessions. For each month following, try increasing the daily amount. While the start of the year may not be as dramatic of a change as you hoped, the likelihood of burnout from over-extending yourself will be significantly decreased.

3. Stay focused on one goal

This is another way to reduce the chances of burnout. It can be easy to start off the new year with a ton of resolutions, but we encourage you to take these aspirations slowly. While it’s exciting to image all the improvements that you’ll be making, you’ll have more success when taking on one change at a time. After a new objective becomes a habit, adding additional resolutions will be easier.

Celebratory Sparkler for the new year

4. You aren’t in this alone

Make sure you have a solid support system around you. Friends, family, and colleagues are all great people to include in your circle. Make sure that the people close to you will encourage and empower you to reach the goals you have set out for yourself this new year. 

5. Believe in yourself

This may seem a little obvious, but putting faith in yourself goes a long way. When the going gets tough it can be hard to truly believe you will achieve the goals set forth. So take a deep breath, believe in yourself, you can do this!

6. Front-of-mind awareness

Don’t forget about your New Year’s resolutions. Keep your resolutions at the front of your mind. Hold yourself accountable and remember your goals. Life can be busy, and at times feel as though it is moving too quickly. But if you keep your resolutions in mind you can make them a reality. 

Toasting to a new year

7. Start immediately

As soon as you write down that New Year’s resolution, go out and start making the change happen. One reason that resolutions are not completed is because they just haven’t been started! Seems simple enough: start working on your goal on January 1 and you’ll be one step closer to reaching your desired outcome.


If one of your New Year’s resolutions is focusing on health and well-being, schedule an appointment with Integrative Acupuncture. With services such as acupuncture, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, and more, we can help you start the year with ease.