We all know we need to remember to stay hydrated, but why? How important is hydration?

Drinking water does more than just quench your thirst. Water is a vital source of life, and without it, life on Earth would not exist as we know it. Staying properly hydrated allows cells, organs, and tissues to maintain bodily function. These functions include regulating temperature, retaining optimum levels of moisture in the blood, bones, and brain, as well as excrete waste through perspiration, urination, and defecation.

Glass of water

Considering our bodies lose water through processes like breathing, sweating, and digestion, it is very important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. The amount of water your body needs is dependent on various factors including, climate, physical activity, illnesses, and other health conditions.

There’s no hard and fast rule. Many individuals get their daily required water by simply drinking water when they’re thirsty. According to a report on nutrient recommendations from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, if you’re losing fluids for any of these reasons, especially in the midst of high fever symptoms seen in Covid-19 and other active influenza viruses, it’s important to increase your fluid intake so that you can restore your body’s natural hydration levels.

Research Update:

Drinking glass of water

A study published by the University of North Carolina states that proper hydration is critical to the body’s ability to moderate internal temperature. Body water loss through sweat is an important cooling mechanism in hot climates, physical activity, or when battling a fever. This extensive study was able to provide many examples of how water intake can affect a vast array of bodily functions such as cognition, kidney function, gastrointestinal function, even heart function, and more.


We encourage you to do all that you can to stay healthy, safe, and well-rested. Now… go drink some water!


Contact our office to find more ways to stay healthy. Acupuncture, massage, and naturopathic medicine are just some of the ways that Integrative Acupuncture can help you feel your best. Schedule an appointment today