Reposted from our colleagues at Six Fishes Cara O. Frank, L.OM. All the doves and the entire world are crying over the loss of Prince, presumably to an overdose…
Whether you are looking to reduce your risk of prostate disease or treat an existing condition, acupuncture may be able to help. Because of its holistic approach, acupuncture can help…
Acupuncture and Stress In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart can be considered the most important organ in the body. All other organs connect to the heart and help the…
Acupuncture for Immune Deficiency There are more than 80 chronic illnesses that are immune related including rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, and celiac disease….
How Acupuncture Can Help With Arthritis How Acupuncture Helps Acupuncture treats the patient by addressing the whole body. When the body is out of balance, pain and illness…