Integrative Acupuncture will host an annual event again this year, offering free acupuncture and massage while celebrating their national day, AOM Day. It is estimated that as many as 43% of Americans have used or are currently using some form of complementary or alternative therapy such as acupuncture. In recognition of this fact, Integrative Acupuncture is sponsoring a free event where participants can experience acupuncture, massage, tai chi and herbalism.

WHEN: Thursday, October 22, 2014 5PM- 8PM

LOCATION: 156 Main St Montpelier and Williston, Vermont (at our office and Integrative Family Health Montpelier and Williston, 1st and 2nd floors and outdoor tent)


Acupuncture is originally from China and has been used for thousands of years. Acupuncture works to restore health to the body naturally by increasing the flow of blood, relaxing muscles, and increasing white blood cell production. Immunity is increased, relaxation is encouraged and pain reduced with acupuncture. Acupuncture Day is a great time to try acupuncture, for free, and see if it’s for you. Trust the providers at Integrative Acupuncture, with decades of experience using acupuncture for many different conditions.


Massage therapy has been used for thousands of years for pain reduction and relaxation. We will be offering chair massage at our Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day event for tight shoulders and backs. Try massage with one of our many talented and experienced massage therapists from Montpelier and Williston and central Vermont.

Tai Chi


Tai Chi is a slow moving exercise practiced by all ages of people. It works with the small muscles in the body and helps to restore tone and strength. Partners from Montpelier and Williston with Sarah Norton, will be on site at Acupuncture Day to demonstrate and provide information about this ancient exercise.

Tongue And Pulse

Chinese medical providers use the ancient diagnostic tools of looking at the tongues and feeling pulses to make a diagnosis. By looking at the shape, color, coating and size of the tongue, the acupuncturist can make an accurate evaluation of the health. The pulse is more then the rate of the pulse, but the quality of 18 different pulses felt at the radial artery. Using this ancient diagnostic skills, acupuncturists can evaluate all sorts of health conditions. Have your tongue and pulse evaluated at our Acupuncture Day.

Medicinal Herbs thumbnail-23

Herba medicine has been a part of medicine for thousands of years. Many well known and effective medicines derive from plants, roots and barks originally. Herbs are safe when recommended by trained and licensed professionals, like the providers at Integrative Acupuncture. We work with your physicians and assure no contraindications with medications.

Integrative Acupuncture has been providing acupuncture to the central Vermont community for the past six years. They work in collaboration with physicians of University of Vermont Health Network, Central Vermont Medical Center to provide complementary medical care for pain, stress, headaches, allergies and much more. Acupuncturists Kerry Jenni LAc, Joshua Singer LAc, and Jennifer Etheridge LAc are nationally board certified and licensed providers.

Acupuncture Day is part of an effort to increase public awareness of the progress, promise, and benefits of acupuncture. This year the new non-profit, People For Acupuncture, Inc will be fundraising at the event and discuss their mission to achieve acupuncture coverage on all insurance policies in Vermont.