BENEFITS OF ACUPUNCTURE: During an initial session of acupuncture, most practitioners began with an extensive health intake that goes over all of the systems in the body. We use this…
Acupuncture: a New Approach to Combating Vermont’s Opioid Epidemic By Katie Moritz Kerry Boyle, the President of the Vermont Acupuncture Association and licensed acupuncturist at Integrative Acupuncture in downtown Montpelier…
Five Elements Body Types: Eating Right for Your Body Type Traditional Chinese Medicine views the body differently than modern medicine. When the body is broken down to its core, its…
Amazing Benefits of Gargling Salt and salt water have been used for thousands of years to heal the body. Healers and doctors across time recorded its miraculous curing…
BLOOD DEFICIENCY Blood Deficiency in Chinese medicine is a health pattern not a disease. It is an imbalance that can result from overwork, over stimulation, stress, lack of sleep, and…