Asthma can be treated and managed naturally. Considering using acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal remedies along with these at home natural tips: Acupressure Points Rubbing acupuncture points with your finger…
Asthma can be treated and managed naturally. Considering using acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal remedies along with these at home natural tips: Acupressure Points Rubbing acupuncture points with your finger…
How to make a natural sunscreen at home Although sun protection is extremely important to protect against harmful UV-rays and to prevent skin cancer, next time you pick out your…
Receiving Acupuncture At The Olympics It has been shown that acupuncture can help the body in many ways. From repairing the digestive system to increasing circulation, enhancing athletic performance to mending…
Acupuncture in Professional Sports Many professional sports teams now have licensed acupuncturists on staff to help treat any injury and increase overall athletic performance within the players. Here are a…
Acupuncture Sticks It to Sports Injuries Contributing Author: Kim M. Filkins, L.Ac. Almost everybody has participated in sports activities at some point in their life. Along with playing sports comes…