Stagnation Pain Most of the stagnation-types of pain involve traumatic injury or a palpable-pathogenic process. This is an area where acupuncture and its associated modalities truly shine, treating traumatic injury…
Stagnation Pain Most of the stagnation-types of pain involve traumatic injury or a palpable-pathogenic process. This is an area where acupuncture and its associated modalities truly shine, treating traumatic injury…
BOOST IT WITH GINSENG Ginseng is said to resemble a human body in shape, and it has been used for years in Asia. Recently, it has become a popular item…
Acupuncture for Runners More than half of all runners, recreational and elite, find themselves injured at some point during the year. Often the injury will heal itself with a little…
Acupuncture for Rehabilitation from Sports Injury Sports injuries are a common reason patients first seek out treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine. From a TCM perspective, there are numerous energetic imbalances…
Research Update: Acupuncture and Sports Injuries In a study conducted by researchers from the Physical Education Institute at Zhengzhou University, Traditional Chinese Medicine was investigated to see how it affected…