Acupuncture and Addiction Addiction affects millions of Americans each year. Whether it’s substance abuse from alcohol, nicotine or other drugs, addiction is a disease that takes treatment and commitment to…
Wait, my ear doesn’t hurt! If you have had the opportunity to visit us at one of our Group Acupuncture sessions on Thursday evenings, you have already experienced Auricular or…
Affordable Acupuncture Options- $10 Treatments Integrative Acupuncture, in affiliation with Montpelier and Williston Senior Activity Center (MSAC), will begin offering acupuncture treatments for the reduced rate of $10 on Tuesdays…
In many states in the US, acupuncture is an out of pocket expense for some people. When treating a chronic issue, effective treatment may require weekly visits for several months….
Four years goes fast when your busy exposing a whole community to group acupuncture and providing over 5,000 reduced rate acupuncture treatments. Joshua Singer and Kerry Boyle Jenni, both…