The Overthinking Mind

Patients that deal with a lot of anxiety and overthinking usually have a weakened stomach and spleen. Generally patients can be treated with vitamins, particularly B vitamins. When the Earth element organs of the Stomach and Spleen are weak we crave more sugar. Sugar will actually amplify this problem causing further weakness and an accumulation of dampness. Sugar can interfere with the absorption of certain vitamins – especially B-vitamins which are important for cognitive function and mental health.

Yi, or thought, is the spirit of the spleen. This is why overthinking can weaken the spleen and a weakened spleen can lead to overthinking. As an acupuncturist I have patients telling me every day, “I can’t sleep because I can’t switch my mind off or I’ve got too many thoughts.” No amount of trying to control your thinking is going to work. Strengthening the Spleen will help and here are some ways you can:

  •  Eat your biggest meal between 7 and 11am.
  • Avoid damp, sugary, cold, raw and greasy foods.
  • Eat more warming foods, plenty of warming soups, cooked vegetables – particularly orange vegetables are really nourishing for the spleen. And barley, rice, and ginger tea etc.
  •  Acupuncture
  •  Meditation
  • Massage

Overthinking is the mental aspect and worry is the emotional aspect of a weakened spleen.

Worry actually knots the Qi of the stomach and spleen. So if you’re suffering right now from overthinking and worry, it’s a reflection of the state of your body. The way the Qi is moving in your body, in your digestive system and the way your digestive system is transforming energy for other systems. If the emotions are not being heard then that can cause a lot of issues, physically and mentally as well.  90% of what I see coming into the treatment room is emotional in nature, compounded stuck emotion and then all the overthinking that have come from trying to work out why you are feeling that way.

group acupuncture

Having acupuncture and giving yourself space and time to process your emotions in a healthy way is the best treatment for this. The earth element also thrives on a good routine, eating at regular times, going to bed, getting up at regular times is important. Ideally you want to be going to bed as early as possible, waking up as early as possible and eating your main meal as early as possible for energy, immunity, and for a lifelong strong earth element and clarity of mind.

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