The SARS Covid-19 pandemic took us by surprise, and even years into it, many of us are still in shock! Understandably, we all walk a little weary into the back-to-school season. Thankfully, there is some good news: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help. Consider a TCM perspective to ease anxious feelings and as a modality to keep the immune system functioning properly. Staying healthy during this pandemic is important, and we’re here to help. Below are 4 ways to optimize your immune system this season to reduce your family’s chances of catching unwanted illnesses.
1. Focus on Your Circadian Rhythm
The circadian rhythm (CR) governs the body’s natural cycles and helps to regulate appetite, sleep, and mood. The sun and other lighting influences–and often even controls–this cycle. There is a field of study called Chronomedicine that focuses on illnesses and disorders that occur when the body’s biological clock is disturbed (like jet lag).
Biochemical changes are known to occur when behavioral patterns are altered due to the division of night and day. We bring this topic to light (pun intended) because of the current Pandemic at hand. COVID is altering work, school, and daily schedules. Many people do not have to/are not able to abide by their typical routine.
Even if you don’t have a daily routine, we encourage you to maintain a bedtime/wake-up time so that your body can function properly. The more inconsistent a sleep schedule, the more your life can be affected.
2. Optimise Your Immune System
Cold and flu season is just around the corner. As we head into the cooler months, the chances of getting COVID or other illness increases drastically. Illnesses tend to have a higher incidence rate in school kids, the immunocompromised, and in the elderly. It’s beneficial to keep our bodies healthy and in the best condition possible heading into the new seasons. This can be done by consuming food and drink that help to optimize your body’s immune system functions. Below is a healthy tea that you can drink to help stave away colds:
- 1 Clove Garlic
- 3 Slices Ginger
- 1 Chopped Scallion
- Basil
- Pinch Of Cinnamon
- 3 Cups Water
Boil these ingredients for up to 5 minutes, strain, and then consume before bed.
3. Keep a Balanced Lifestyle
Eating properly isn’t enough to stave off the CoronaVirus, but having a balanced lifestyle increases your chances of fighting off COVID-19.
The following are several important items that can help keep your body healthy and balanced when fighting off any illness.
- Keep an active exercise schedule
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Limit your intake of red meats and processed foods
- Limit the amount of refined sugar you consume
4. Exercise and Water Consumption
Unfortunately, following the above steps, eating healthy foods, and taking your vitamins won’t be enough unless you’re properly hydrated. This is especially true when you’re exercising.
Did you know that your body loses water through simple actions such as digestion, breathing, and sweating?
Water also helps your body dissolve vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from the food you consume. It then delivers these vitamin components to the rest of your body for use. If you maintain a balanced amount of exercise and water consumption, you’re helping to give your body the tools it needs to fight off illnesses. Remember the importance of rehydrating by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.
These are challenging times and the best chance we have to get through this is by taking care of our bodies, minds, and supporting our overall well-being. This can be done with a variety of tools and techniques, including acupuncture, massage, and naturopathic medicine. Schedule an appointment today to boost your health with our services.