Trigger Points: It Hurts! Many people who come to our acupuncture clinic suffer from muscle pain. Very often these sensitive spots are trigger points. Trigger points are muscle knots, a…
How many acupuncture treatments will I need? This is one question every acupuncture patient asks. In Chinese medicine prognosis is highly individual and yet a good acupuncturist should be…
Moxibustion What is Moxibustion? Moxibustion (moxa therapy) is a kind of heat therapy practiced in Chinese medicine. It is also part of traditional medical systems in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Tibet…
Calm That Cough Are you or your child kept awake coughing at night or do you have embarrassing coughing fits at work? Turns out one of the oldest cough…
Reposted from Lotus Institute January 28, 2017 is the start of the Chinese Year of the Red Rooster Lillian Bridges The Rooster is Yin to Monkey’s Yang and many…