Acupuncture for Immune Deficiency There are more than 80 chronic illnesses that are immune related including rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, and celiac disease….
How Acupuncture Can Help With Arthritis How Acupuncture Helps Acupuncture treats the patient by addressing the whole body. When the body is out of balance, pain and illness…
Fish Fish are full of omega-3 fatty acids, which work as a natural anti-inflammatory. Some of the best fish to consume include salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring, which are all…
Don’t forget about physical exercise Believe it or not, when you’re exercising your body, you’re exercising your mind as well. Aerobic exercise gets your blood pumping, which increases the oxygen…
6 Alternative Treatments to Help with Arthritis Exercise For those with arthritis, exercise, no matter how little you do, is one of the best natural treatments. For those with severe…