The heart is an energetic system often treated in Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to Chinese Medicine theory, there are many systems of energy within the body. Each of these systems corresponds…
Acupuncture and the Small Intestine The small intestine is part of the gastrointestinal tract. Up to 90 percent of the digestion and absorption of food occurs in the small intestine…
Research Update – Acupuncture and Lung Cancer In a study conducted and published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information and in conjunction with the National Institute for Health, patients…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, otherwise known as “spastic colon,” is a common disorder that affects the colon and causes many disruptive symptoms. Many of these symptoms can be managed with a…
Using Acupuncture to Treat PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is usually associated with past and present military personnel. However, PTSD can affect anybody who has had some sort of…