Patient Helpsheet: Cleansing Spring has a natural feeling of change and rebirth about it. In traditional Chinese medicine, one of the organs connected with springtime is the liver. Both of…
Patient Helpsheet: Cleansing Spring has a natural feeling of change and rebirth about it. In traditional Chinese medicine, one of the organs connected with springtime is the liver. Both of…
Patient Help – Respiratory Issues Our lungs are incredibly important. Without properly functioning lungs, we cease to exist. In the United States alone, nearly 200,000 people die every year from…
Parents: Help Your Kids With Acupressure! Parents can massage these points or apply light pressure and help their kids in so many ways. Give these points a try the next…
TCM and Summer Heat Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, is a medical system that dates back nearly 3,500 years. This system uses modalities like acupuncture and botanical formulas to treat…
Five Acupuncture Points for Summer Summer is a season of abundant energy and light, long days, pool parties, ice cream and lemonade. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recognizes summer as the…