When treating back pain in Chinese Medicine, acupuncturists often focus on 2 aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): the kidney system and the concept of ‘qi (energy) & Blood Stagnation’….
One of the first and most important steps in healing is getting enough sleep every night for the body to do its internal restorative work. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),…
“My, what big ears you have!” “All the better to hear you with!” Or, if you’re a Chinese Medicine practitioner: “All the better to live a long, healthy life with!”…
Are you are interested in seeing a naturopathic doctor (ND) but don’t know where to start? Choosing a naturopath can be a daunting task, but there are things to look for…
A Chinese Medicine Approach to Migraines Migraines are the second leading cause of disability worldwide. Among women, they rank #1. It is certainly a disabling disease. Those who suffer (over…